I look forward to every opportunity to talk about weather and climate in the community. In addition to individual outreach cameos at events like the Penn State Weather Camps, I have been involved in the following programs and organizations:
North Florida Chapter of the American Meteorological Society/National Weather Association (AMS/NWA)
Composed mainly of Florida State meteorology students, this group has performed several community service projects in North Florida, South Georgia, and Southeast Alabama. These include local lake, beach, and road cleanups, judging at science fairs, partnering with the National Weather Service to distribute weather preparedness information, and the "FSU Weather on Wheels" mobile weathercasting experience. I was involved in this group throughout my time at FSU from 2014-2022, including officer roles in 2 academic years. (Twitter)
Scientist in Every Florida School (SEFS)
This statewide initiative is run by the Thompson Earth Systems Institute at the University of Florida. It connects K-12 teachers across Florida with scientists, who volunteer to visit classrooms to help teach scientific concepts to students. I have done about 15 virtual visits as a partner with SEFS dating back to 2020. This has been done in collaboration with my research group, FSU's "Science on the Move" program, and graduate students at Penn State. Topics I've presented include "Weather In A Tank" video experiments, information about hurricanes and how we collect data on them, as well as differences between weather and climate. I remain active in the program to this day, despite leaving Florida in July 2022. (Website)
Skype a Scientist
This is a nationwide program similar to SEFS, where teachers are connected with scientists to discuss classroom scientific objectives and careers in science. I joined the program in December 2022, and have virtually visited classrooms in Florida, Alabama, Massachusetts, Texas, and California. (Website)
Weather Outreach and Education (WOE)
This is a student organization at Penn State, primarily run by undergraduates! My involvement has been primarily to connect them with SEFS (above) and otherwise help expand their reach. I also participated in their day-long Weather Camp at the Discovery Space in State College, PA in March 2023, leading a live "Weather In A Tank" experiment. (Website)