University Service and Professional Societies
I have served in several leadership roles at Florida State, Penn State, and at the national level of the American Meteorological Society.
American Meteorological Society (AMS)
LOCAL CHAPTERS: I joined the North Florida Local Chapter as a freshman at Florida State in 2014, and was its 2016 Member of the Year. In 2016-2017, I was the Vice President, where we were named to the AMS Local Chapter Honor Roll. My main tasks were to contact prospective speakers for meetings, plan these events, and organize our end-of-year banquet. I later was elected President for the 2019-2020 term, focusing on expanding professional development opportunities and increasing our presence nationally in the AMS and the National Weather Association. We increased our membership to over 60 people, sent nearly 30 to the 2020 AMS Annual Meeting, and were named the 2020 AMS Chapter of the Year! Since moving to Penn State, I have joined the Central Pennsylvania Local Chapter.
STUDENT CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE (SCPC): In 2021, I joined the SCPC to help put together the 2022 AMS Student Conference, held virtually and in-person in Houston. Our responsibilities included approving and organizing student poster abstracts, session proposals and contacting speakers, and advertisement through various social media channels. Despite graduating in 2022, I was able to stick around for one more year, helping organize the 2023 edition of the Student Conference in Denver. This committee has now become part of the AMS Board on Student Affairs (BoSA). It was exciting to be a part of that growth! (BoSA Twitter)
BOARD FOR EARLY CAREER PROFESSIONALS (BECP): In 2023, I began a 3-year term on the BECP, and intend to carry out a second term through the 2029 AMS Annual Meeting. I served as its Secretary in 2023 and Webinar Team Lead in 2024. Additional tasks I've contributed to include planning and chairing sessions at the annual AMS Early Career Conference, selecting the recipient of the AMS Award for Early-Career Professional Achievement, and organizing seasonal virtual "Speed Networking" events. (BECP Twitter)
ADDITIONAL SERVICE: In 2024, I joined the Board on Continuing Professional Development (BCPD), whose primary responsibility is to review Short Course proposals that would be beneficial to AMS members. I also Co-Chaired the Student Award Committee for the 36th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, held in May 2024.
Service at Penn State
POSTDOCS OF EMS (PoEMS): In November 2022, I became the Chairperson of PoEMS, a role I served in through March 2024. PoEMS is the only college-level organization at Penn State dedicated to enhancing the postdoc experience, through social engagement and professional development activities. Among our advances are the hosting of the inaugural EMS (Earth and Mineral Sciences) Postdoctoral Research Showcase in March 2023, and growing partnerships with the EMS Graduate Student Council and Alumni Relations Office. (PoEMS Website)
POSTDOC RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM PLANNING COMMITTEE: I helped plan the university-wide Postdoc Research Symposium held in December 2023. In this role, I was primarily responsible for advertisement of the event and organization of its poster session, including judge recruitment.
DEPARTMENT SERVICE: Besides my work on Weather World, I have served on two department committees. The first is the Committee on Belonging - specifically, the subcommittee on Unlearning Racism in the Geosciences, helping to lead participation in the NSF-sponsored program designed to help departments implement anti-racist policies in admissions and hiring practices, among other avenues. In 2023, I joined our department's "Green Team", with a goal of implementing more sustainable practices into teaching and research settings.
Service at Florida State
CHI EPSILON PI METEOROLOGY HONOR SOCIETY: I was inducted in Spring 2017, then took over as President the following Fall. For two years, I was in charge of planning our annual banquet and induction ceremony for undergraduate and graduate meteorology students exhibiting academic excellence. Our last banquet prior to the COVID-19 pandemic was in April 2019, where we hosted FSU alumnus Dr. Rick Knabb, Hurricane Expert at The Weather Channel and former director of the National Hurricane Center.
WXCHALLENGE LOCAL MANAGER: In this role, I assisted FSU students and alumni taking part in the national WxChallenge forecasting contest. I mainly registered forecasters and alerted them of logistical changes. I also served as a liaison between our forecasters and the directors if issues arose with the website, weather observing stations, and so on.